Package eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl
package eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl
This package provides the following features:
- The classes
implementing Linear Temporal Logic formulas, and the bounded variation of them. These formulas can be evaluated on finite sequence of 'items'. - A bounded and lazy model-checker for checking if a target-model
M1 has an execution that satisfies a specification-model M2
(and returns a witnessing execution of this). The specification-model
is expressed as a finite state machine (FSM) with either a standard
acceptance criterion, or an omega (more specifically, Buchi)
acceptance criterion.
M1 is anything that implements the interface
. - An interface ITargetModel that a target system must implement, if you want to use the model checker to check it.
Interface SummaryInterfaceDescriptionShould be hashable and implements equals as well!An LTL formula is evaluated on a sequence of 'states' (to be more precise, a sequence of pairs (states,transitions)).An LTL formula is evaluated on a sequence of pairs (states,transitions).
Class SummaryClassDescriptionProvide an explicit-state bounded and lazy model checker that can be used to check if a model contains a reachable state (within a given maximum depth) satisfying some predicate q.BasicModelChecker.Path<State>Representing a witness execution.BasicModelChecker.TestSuite<CoverageItem>Representing a test suite produced by
BasicModelChecker.testSuite(List, Function, int, boolean)
.Bounded LTL is a variation of LTL.Represent a 'trace' of an execution.Represent a Buchi automaton.Representing a transition in a Buchi automaton.Provide an explicit-state bounded and lazy model checker that can be used to check if a model M has an execution, of up to some maximum length, that would satisfy a certain property.LTL<State>Provides a representation LTL formulas and a DSL for constructing them.LTL.And<State>LTL.Next<State>LTL.Not<State>LTL.Now<State>LTL.Or<State>For representing "phi || psi".LTL.Until<State>LTL.WeakUntil<State>Weak-until is not primitive in LTL-sense, but we add it as a separate class so that we can structurally recognize that a formula is a weak-until formula.For translating an LTL formula to a Buchi automaton.SequencePredicate<State>An abstract class representing a predicate over finite sequences, defining a minimum interface needed to evaluate such a predicate on a given sequence. -
Enum Summary