Package eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl

package eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl
This package provides the following features:
  1. The classes LTL and BoundedLTL implementing Linear Temporal Logic formulas, and the bounded variation of them. These formulas can be evaluated on finite sequence of 'items'.
  2. A bounded and lazy model-checker for checking if a target-model M1 has an execution that satisfies a specification-model M2 (and returns a witnessing execution of this). The specification-model is expressed as a finite state machine (FSM) with either a standard acceptance criterion, or an omega (more specifically, Buchi) acceptance criterion. M1 is anything that implements the interface ITargetModel.
  3. An interface ITargetModel that a target system must implement, if you want to use the model checker to check it.
TODO: translation from LTLs to specification-FSMs. Probably will only support limited translation (won't allow recursion to the left-side of until).