Class Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph

All Implemented Interfaces:
CanDealWithDynamicObstacle<Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph.Tile>, Navigatable<Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph.Tile>, Pathfinder2<Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph.Tile>, XPathfinder<Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph.Tile>

Representing a navigation graph over a 2D tiled-world. The world is assumed to be made of tiles/squares, arranged from tile (0,0) to tile (maxX-1,maxY-1) to form a rectangle world.

The tiles are not explicitly stored. Rather, we only store non-navigable tiles. These are tiles that block movement through them. There are two types: Wall and Door. A wall is always non-navigable. A door can be made blocking/unblocking.

The class also implements XPathfinder, so it offers methods to do pathfinding and exploration over the world.
