
Tactical BDI Agent Framework for Java

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Aplib Tutorial 1: Coding a Minimalistic Agent-X

Author: Wishnu Prasetya

Aplib is implemented in Java-11, so you need it.

In a nutshell an agent is just a program. Agents can indeed be programmed to behave intelligently —the so-called intelligent agents; but let’s for now focus on just plain agents. Aplib defines an agent as a stateful program that interacts with an environment with the purpose of solving some problem relevant for the environment. This ‘environment’ can be another program, or some hardware, or a human user interacting through some interface. While some environment may be passive, completely controlled by the agent, some others may be autonomous and non-deterministic, which makes the task of controlling it indeed more challenging for the agent. Environment is an important concept in aplib programming: without an environment an agent has no reason to exist, just like an enginner would have no reason to be an engineer if there is no project he/she can work on.

There is however no quick Hello-World example to show you how to use aplib. Let me guide you on how to create a minimalistic agent; it won’t do anything spectacular, it will do as an example.

Let’s see how we can program an agent, let’s call it agent-X to guess a secret number. This secret number is the number 10, but the agent does not know that, so it really has to guess. The agent will also interact with the user (you), in this case by simply printing the number it proposes to the console.

If you are impatient: the full code of this demo is here: nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.MinimalDemo But it won’t explain the underlying concepts.

Computation model

To first give you a top level intuition on agent programming in aplib, let me first explain the idea. To do any work, an agent must be given a goal, e.g. to send a number satisfying some non-trivial property to its environment. An agent is not a magic box, so it will also require you to supply a tactic for solving a goal. A complex tactic can be formulated, but ultimately a tactic will be composed from so-called actions.

Apsl agents operate in a tick-based mode. Every agent has a method called update(). A ‘tick’ means that you, or something else, invoke this method, which in turn triggers some behavior from the agent. Between two update() invocations the agent does not do anything.

At every tick/update() the agent inspects its (current) tactic to collect actions within the tactic which are executable in the current state. One will be chosen (randomly, or more intelligently depending on whether you have built-in AI in the agent) and executed. This process is repeated every tick, until the goal is solved, or until the agent uses up its computation budget.

Creating an agent, 1st attempt

To create an agent we do:

var agentX = new BasicAgent()

nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.BasicAgent is the root class of all agents in aplib. That is, all agents are instances of BasicAgent. There are other types of agents in aplib, but let’s not go into that yet.

Intermezzo: the var keyword. Prior to Java-10, when we introduce a variable we must explicitly specify its type. E.g. the above declaration of agent-X is written like this before Java-10:

BasicAgent agentX = new BasicAgent()

Since java-10 we can simply write var agentX = new BasicAgent() and Java compiler will infer the right type for agentX. This makes the code cleaner.

(end of intermezzo)

The above agent is however blank. It will not be able to do anything. Let’s try to create an agent with something:

var agentX = new BasicAgent() ;
agentX.attachState(belief)   \\ attach a state-structure to the agent ;
agentX.setGoal(topgoal) ;    \\ set a goal for the agent to solve

Let’s for now ignore where belief and topgoal come from. Both attachState(s) and setGoal(g) are methods of the class BasicAgent. Although a BasicAgent has its own internal state to support its own book keeping, it posses no state that semantically means something towards whatever the purpose we want to give to it. As the name says, the method attachState(s) will attach an object s, representing state, to the agent. This s must be an instance of nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.SimpleState. Importantly, this state must also contain a pointer to an ‘environment’.

The method setGoal(g) is used to set a ‘goal’ (more precisely, a ‘goal-tree’) for the agent; g must be an instance of nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.GoalTree.

Intermezzo: fluent interface programming style

attachState(s) and setGoal(g) are just setters, but they are implemented as follows:

class BasicAgent {
  SimpleState state ;
  GoalTree goal ;
  public BasicAgent attachState(SimpleState state) {
		this.state = state ; return this ; }
  public BasicAgent setGoal(GoalTree g) {
		this.goal = g ; ... ; return this ; }

Notice how they return the agent itself after doing their setter work. This allows us to write the previous code for creating the agent more cleanly as follows:

var agentX = new BasicAgent()
             . attachState(belief)  
             . setGoal(topgoal) ;  

This style of programming is also called Fluent Interface, coined by Eric Evans and Martin Fowler.

Many APIs in aplib can be used in this Fluent Interface style.

(end intermezzo)

Agent state

An agent state is an instance of nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.SimpleState. For a start, such an instance does not contain any information other than a place holder an ‘environment’. Below is how we can create an instance of an agent state. We will also attach a simple environment called ConsoleEnvironment to it:

var belief = new SimpleState() ;
belief.setEnvironment(new ConsoleEnvironment()) ;

Or, in the Fluent Interface style:

var belief = new SimpleState() . setEnvironment(new ConsoleEnvironment()) ;

For our agent-X, such minimalistic state will do. But if for a more sophisticated agent we want to create a state that holds some information, e.g. an integer counter, we can do this by subclassing SimpleState:

class MyState extends SimpleState {
  int counter = 0 ;
  public MyState() { super() ; }

And to create an instance of this:

var belief = new MyState() . setEnvironment(new ConsoleEnvironment()) ;


Once we create an object that is to be used for holding the agent state (see above), we need to link this object to the environment that the agent will ultimately interact with. This linking up is what you do above with the method setEnvironment.

An environment is an instance of nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.environment. This class does not provide any behaviour though. It is intended to be subclassed to implement an actual environment. As an example, Aplib provides one implementation called nl.uu.cs.aplib.environments.ConsoleEnvironment that allows an agent to write to and read from the System console (and hence interacting with a human user through the console). This is the environment that we used in the previous examples.

ConsoleEnvironment provides the following APIs:

public void println(String str) { System.out.println(str) ; }
public String readln() { return  consoleInput.nextLine() ; }
public String ask(String s) { println(s) ; return readln() ; }


To make an agent does something, we first need to formulate a goal. After setting up a goal for an agent, the agent would the have a purpose, namely to solve the goal. Later we will see how the agent proceeds to actually solve its goal. Let us first take a look at how to formulate a goal.

Abstractly, a goal is a ‘predicate’, which is a function from some x to boolean. In Java we can construct predicates using lambda-expression. For example:

Predicate<Integer> p1 = x -> x==10 ;
Predicate<Integer> p2 = x -> x>0 ;

p1 a predicate that is true only on x which is equal to 10, whereas p2 is a predicate that is true only on positive x.

Technically though, in aplib a goal is an instance of nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Goal, but we can easily turn a lambda expression such as above to internally become an instance of Goal:

var g10 = goal("Guess a the magic number (10)") ; // create a goal g10 with some descriptive name
g10.toSolve((Integer x) -> x == 10) ; // attach a predicate to the goal

Or, in the Fluent Interface style:

var g10 = goal("Guess a the magic number (10)") . toSolve((Integer x) -> x == 10) ;

This goal is solved if the agent manage to compute a ‘proposal’ x that satisfies the predicate attached to it. Note: although simple, the above predicate might not be easy for the agent to solve, especially if it does not know upfront what the solution is.


To be more precise, an agent actually expects a GoalStructure rather than a Goal. A GoalStructure allows a complex goal such as SEQ(g1,g2,g3) to be expressed. Let’s not discuss this now. For now it is sufficient to know that a Goal can be lifted to a GoalStructure. If g is a Goal, g.lift() will construct a GoalStructure that contains g as its only element.

Action and tactic

A BasicAgent does not however have any knowledge how to solve any goal. We will need to program it to solve a goal. Of course, we can write a more sophisticated type of agents some built-in intelligence to make the task of programming them easier. But for now let’s stick with BasicAgent.

When we specify a goal, we need to supply the corresponding ‘tactic’ to solve it. Note: when we have a goal-tree instead of just a single goal, every goal (leaf) in the tree requires a tactic.

A tactic is composed from one or more actions. In the simple case, a tactic consists of just a single action.

An action is a stateful program that operates on the agent state and its own state. It may produce a proposal to be passed on to the agent’s goal to see if that solves the goal. The action may also change the state of the agent as well as its own state. Because the action has access to the agent’s state, it can thus access the Environment through the agent’s state.

Abstractly, we can formulate an action with a lambda-expression. For example, here is an action that generates a random integer between 0..11 and proposes it to solve the agent’s current goal:

(SimpleState belief) -> actionstate_ -> rnd.nextInt(11)

The lambda-expression does not contain explicit code for checking the goal. When given such an action, under the hood the agent will pass the return value of the lambda-expression to its goal.

Suppose that the agent uses the ConsoleEnvironment as its environment. Suppose, in addition to generating a random number we also want the action to print this number to this console. We can do this, but we will need a bit more coding:

(SimpleState belief) -> {
     int x = rnd.nextInt(11) ;
     ((ConsoleEnvironment) belief.env()).println("Proposing " + x + " ...");
     return x ;

Internally though, an action must be an instance of nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Action. Using a method called action(name) we can create a empty instance of this class. It is “empty” because it still has no behavior. We can use the function do1 to turn a lambda expression such as above into the behavior of an Action. Example:

var a0 = action("a0")
  . do1((SimpleState belief) -> {
      int x = rnd.nextInt(11) ;
      ... ;
      return x ;
      }) ;

An action can be guarded too. For example, suppose our state belief is of type MyState, which has an integer field called counter, and we want a0 above to be only enabled (executable) when this counter has an odd value, we can code this as follows:

var a0withCondition = action("guarded a0")
  . do1((MyState belief) -> {
      int x = rnd.nextInt(11) ;
      ... ;
      return x ;
 . on_((MyState belief) -> belief.counter % 2 != 0) ;

There is one more technical detail: an agent actually wants to have a tactic rather than an action. A ‘tactic’ is an instance of nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Tactic. Although conceptually a single action is also a Tactic, technically we need to wrap it to become a tactic. The method lift() will do that. So… here is the incantation to turn the previous lambda-expression to a Tactic:

var a0 = action("a0")
  . do1((SimpleState belief) -> {
      int x = rnd.nextInt(11) ;
      ... ;
      return x ;
 . lift() ;

Attaching a tactic to a Goal

Recall that previously we have created a goal called g10; here is now how we can attach the tactic guessing defined above, and then lift the resulting goal to a goal-tree:

GoalTree topgoal = g10.withTactic(guessing).lift() ;

Creating an agent, 2nd attempt

Now we have all the ingredients to create a working agent :) Here is the code for our agent-X:

// formulate a goal:
Goal g10 = goal("Guess a the magic number (10)").toSolve((Integer x) -> x == 10) ;

// defining a tactic as the goal solver:
var guessing = action("guessing")
   .do1((SimpleState belief) -> {
        int x = rnd.nextInt(11) ;
        ... ;
        return x ;
        .lift() ;

// attach the tactic to the goal, and make it a goal-tree:
GoalTree topgoal = g10.withTactic(guessing).lift() ;

// creating an agent; attaching a fresh state to it, and attaching the above goal to it:
var agentX = new BasicAgent()
            . attachState(new SimpleState()
            . setEnvironment(new ConsoleEnvironment()))
            . setGoal(topgoal) ;

An agent has a method update(). When invoked, it will search in its current strategies for actions which are enabled. If there is none update() will do nothing. If there are one or more enabled actions available, one is chosen randomly. Our agent-X, being a very simplistic agent, only has one action though, and it has no guard; so it is always enabled.

The easiest way to run an agent is by repeatedly calling its update() until the goal is solved. A goal can also be given a time budget. The goal would then be marked as failed if you have invoked update() too many times so that the budget is exhausted. Here is a simple loop, with intentional delay added that will run our agent-X:

while (topgoal.getStatus().inProgress()) {

The full example

The full code of agent-X can be found in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.MinimalDemo. The agent is called agent there, rather than agent-X :D, You can run the method main to run this demo. It will produce output that looks something like this:

Proposing 5 ...
Proposing 4 ...
Proposing 10 ...

** Goal status:
   Guess a the magic number (10): SUCCESS. Solved by guessing
   Consumed budget:4.0

Extra: subservient vs autonomous agent

An agent used as above will not do anything unless we, or the application that contains it, invoke its update() method. We call such an agent subservient agent. Aplib also allows us to create autonomous agents. Such an agent calls its own update() and controls when it wants to do so. The class nl.uu.cs.aplib.agents.AutonomousBasicAgent is the class of autonomous agents. It is a subclass of BasicAgent, so everything that we do in the above example can also be done with AutonomousBasicAgent. However, the latter has a method loop() that will run forever until someone invokes stop(). The method loop() waits for someone to invoke setGoal(g) to give a goal to the agent. It will then proceed by calling invoke at some regular interval (which you can configure).

To launch an AutonomousBasicAgent to run independently (so, on a new thread) we can do:

new Thread(() -> agent.loop()) . start() ;

Check the corresponding Java documentation/tutorial on how to fork a thread using Runnable or using a lambda-expression.

A minimalistic example of creating an autonomous agent can be found in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.MinimalAutonomousAgent.