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Package Summary
iv4xr.framework is built on the nl.uu.cs.aplib.
This package provides the following features:
The classes
and BoundedLTL
implementing Linear Temporal Logic
formulas, and the bounded variation of them.Provide a class,
, that can be used as a model of a
"computer game".This package provides classes to do pathfinding over a graph.
Contains examples of suggested goals and tactics that developers can
Provide mainly the class
for representing 3D surface meshes.Providing several implementations of
e.g.Providing several examples of the usage of aplib agents.
Five-game is a simple board game.
MiniDungen is a Nethack-like game.
This package contains the implementation of iv4xr Env, State,
TacticLib, GoalLib etc, which are necessary to allow an aplib/iv4xr
test agent to control the game in the smart way.
This package provides classes that form the main concepts of the
aplib agent-programming.
Providing classes to facilitate communication between agents.