Class ObservationEvent.VerdictEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Parsable
Enclosing class:

public static class ObservationEvent.VerdictEvent extends ObservationEvent.TimeStampedObservationEvent
When a test-agent interacts with a system-under-test, it will want to report things that meet its expectations, as well as things that violate its expectations (and may thus imply bugs). Such discoveries can be reported as instances of this class VerdictEvent.
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Field Details

    • verdict

      protected Boolean verdict
      A "true" represents a positive verdict, which should be given when a test-agent observes something that is correct, as it should be. A "false" on the other hand, represents a negative verdict, which should be given when the test-agent observes something that violates correctness. Null represents undecided.
  • Constructor Details

    • VerdictEvent

    • VerdictEvent

      public VerdictEvent(String familyName, String info, Boolean v)
      Create a verdict-event.
      familyName - A name to classify the verdict-family this verdict can be said to belong to.
      info - Additional descriptive string explaining the verdict.
      v - true if the verdict is positive, false if negative, null if undecided.
  • Method Details