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dead() - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.Entity.Player
DEBUG(String) - Static method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.AplibEDSL
A goal structure that does nothing but printing a message for debugging purpose.
debugCheckNeighbor(Integer, Integer) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.SurfaceNavGraph
For debugging: check if node k is a neighbor of node i.
debugCheckPath(Integer, Integer) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.SurfaceNavGraph
For debugging: check if there is a path from node i to node k.
debugCheckPath_withAllNodesMadeVisible(Integer, Integer) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.SurfaceNavGraph
For debugging: check if there is a path from node i to node k, assuming that the whole nav-graph has been seen by the agent.
debugmode - Variable in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Environment
When true, this will enable some tracking to help debugging.
decoder - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.Buchi
decoder[i] gives the name of the state with assigned-id i.
deepclone() - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.mainConcepts.WorldEntity
deliberate(SimpleState, List<Tactic.PrimitiveTactic>) - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Deliberation
deliberation - Variable in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.BasicAgent
An instance of Deliberation is responsible for, as the name says, executing a deliberation process for this agent.
Deliberation - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts
This class implements a deliberation process for agents.
Deliberation() - Constructor for class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Deliberation
Demo1 - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.testAgent
A simple demo of controlling MiniDungeon using Goals.
Demo1() - Constructor for class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.testAgent.Demo1
Demo2 - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.testAgent
A more sophisticated demo of controlling MiniDungeon using Goals.
Demo2() - Constructor for class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.testAgent.Demo2
Demo2b - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.testAgent
A more sophisticated demo of controlling MiniDungeon using Goals.
Demo2b() - Constructor for class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.testAgent.Demo2b
Demo3 - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.testAgent
In this Demo we use a generic algorithm, SA1, to let the agent search for the right scroll to cleanse the shrine.
Demo3() - Constructor for class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.testAgent.Demo3
Demo3b - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.testAgent
In this Demo we use a generic algorithm, SA1, to let the agent search for the right scroll to cleanse the shrine.
Demo3b() - Constructor for class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.testAgent.Demo3b
deploy(DungeonApp) - Static method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.DungeonApp
To launch a DungeonApp in a window.
DEPLOY(BasicAgent, Function<AgentState, GoalStructure>) - Static method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.AplibEDSL
The combinator will "dynamically" deploy a goal to be executed/adopted after executing this combinator.
DEPLOYonce(BasicAgent, Function<AgentState, GoalStructure>) - Static method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.AplibEDSL
The combinator will "dynamically" deploy a goal to be executed/adopted after executing this combinator.
deregister(AutonomousBasicAgent) - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.multiAgentSupport.ComNode
Remove the agent from this ComNode.
desc - Variable in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Action
desc - Variable in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Goal
desc(String) - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Action
Add a description string to this Action.
destroyed - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.gameworldmodel.GWObject
detachgoal() - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.BasicAgent
As the name says, this will detach the current topgoal and subgoal from the agent.
dfs(Predicate<IExplorableState>, BasicModelChecker.Path<IExplorableState>, Collection<IExplorableState>, IExplorableState, int) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.BasicModelChecker
Implement the 'lazy model checking' algorithm similar to what is used by the SPIN model checker.
dfsBuchi(Buchi, BasicModelChecker.Path<Pair<IExplorableState, Integer>>, Set<Pair<IExplorableState, Integer>>, Set<Pair<IExplorableState, Integer>>, Pair<IExplorableState, Integer>, int) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.BuchiModelChecker
The worker of our LTL model-checking algorithm.
diagonalMovementPossible - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph
DIJKSTRA - Enum constant in enum eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.AStar.SearchMode
direction() - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.spatial.Line
disableKey - Variable in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.DungeonApp
If true will disable interaction with physcal keys; useful when we want an algorithms instead of humans to play the game.
disAggrevate() - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.Entity.Monster
disjuncts - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.LTL.Or
dist(IntVec2D, IntVec2D) - Static method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.spatial.IntVec2D
dist(Vec3, Vec3) - Static method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.spatial.Vec3
distance - Variable in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Goal
distance() - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Goal
If a distance function has been specified for this goal, this will return the absolute distance between the last proposed and non-null proposal to being a solution.
distance(Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph.Tile, Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph.Tile) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph
The distance between two neighboring tiles.
distance(Integer, Integer) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.SimpleNavGraph
The distance between two NEIGHBORING vertices.
distance(NodeId, NodeId) - Method in interface eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.Navigatable
The distance between two connected vertices.
distanceBetweenEntities - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.goalsAndTactics.Sa1Solver
distanceBetweenEntities(MyAgentState, WorldEntity, WorldEntity) - Static method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.testAgent.Utils
Give the straight-line distance-square between two entities, if they are in the same maze; else the distance is the difference between mazeIds times some large multiplier (1000000).
distanceToAgent - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.goalsAndTactics.Sa1Solver
A function that returns the "distance" between an entity and the agent.
distanceToAgent(MyAgentState, WorldEntity) - Static method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.testAgent.Utils
Give the straight-line distance-square between the agent that owns the given state and the given entity e, if they are in the same maze; else the distance is the difference between their mazeIds times some large multiplier (1000000).
distFromPoint(Vec3, ArrayList<Vec3>) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.spatial.meshes.Face
Return an unsigned distance from a point w to this Face.
distSq(int, int, int, int) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph
distSq(IntVec2D, IntVec2D) - Static method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.spatial.IntVec2D
distSq(Vec3, Vec3) - Static method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.spatial.Vec3
If d is the length of the vector a - b (so, the distance between them), this method returns d*d.
distTo(MyAgentState, WorldEntity) - Static method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.testAgent.TacticLib
Distance in terms of path-length from the agent that owns S to the entity e.
div(Vec3, float) - Static method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.spatial.Vec3
do__(Function<SimpleState, Function<Object, Object>>) - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Action
Set the given function as the effect-part of this Action.
do1(Function<AgentSt, T>) - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Action
Set the given function as the effect-part of this Action.
do2(Function<AgentSt, Function<QueryResult, T>>) - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Action
Set the given function as the effect-part of this Action.
doCommand(char) - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.MiniDungeon
Do a one turn update.
doCommandWorker(Entity.Player, MiniDungeon.Command) - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.MiniDungeon
Execute a command for the given player.
DoctorBelief() - Constructor for class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.DumbDoctor.DoctorBelief
DONOTHING - Enum constant in enum nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.MiniDungeon.Command
Door(int, int) - Constructor for class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph.Door
Door(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph.Door
DOOR - Static variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.gameworldmodel.LabRecruitsModel
dot(Vec3, Vec3) - Static method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.spatial.Vec3
drawTile(Graphics, Entity[][], int, int, boolean) - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.DungeonApp
Draw the entity in world[x][y] on the screen's canvas.
DumbDoctor - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages
DumbDoctor() - Constructor for class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.DumbDoctor
DumbDoctor.DoctorBelief - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages
dungeon - Variable in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.DungeonApp
DungeonApp - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon
A GUI for MiniDungeon.
DungeonApp(MiniDungeon.MiniDungeonConfig) - Constructor for class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.DungeonApp
dynamic - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.mainConcepts.WorldEntity
If true then this entity is "dynamic", which means that its state may change at the runtime.
dynamicHeuristicDistance - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.AStar
When this is set, this function will be use to calculate the heuristic distance between two nodes, rather than using the default heuristic-method supplied by underlying navigation graph.
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