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Face - Class in eu.iv4xr.framework.spatial.meshes
Represent a polygon, described by a set of vertices, stored in an array called vertices.
Face(int[]) - Constructor for class eu.iv4xr.framework.spatial.meshes.Face
faceAreaThresholdToAddCenterNode - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.SurfaceNavGraph
A threshold for the minimum area of a face to be considered when adding center points to the navigation graph.
faces - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.SurfaceNavGraph
The convex-polygons/faces that overlay the vertices of this navigation graph.
faces - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.spatial.meshes.Mesh
faceToCenterIdMap - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.SurfaceNavGraph
This maps the Faces to their corresponding center-points.
facts(String...) - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.agents.PrologReasoner
Add new facts to the Prolog engine.
FAIL() - Static method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.AplibEDSL
This goal will always fail.
FAIL(String) - Static method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.AplibEDSL
This goal will always fail.
failed() - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.ProgressStatus
Trye if the status represented by this instance if FAILED.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.ProgressStatus.ProgressStatus_
familyName - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.mainConcepts.ObservationEvent
A name to classify the event as belonging to some family of semantically similar events.
find(Buchi, int) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.BuchiModelChecker
Check if the target 'program' BuchiModelChecker.model can produce an infinite execution that would be accepted by the given Buchi automaton.
find(LTL<IExplorableState>, int) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.BuchiModelChecker
The same as BuchiModelChecker.find(Buchi, int), but it takes an LTL formula for specifying the pattern of the execution to find.
find(Predicate<IExplorableState>, int) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.BasicModelChecker
Do model-checking to find a finite execution (of the given max-length) of the target program that ends in a state satisfying the predicate q.
find(Predicate<Message>) - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.multiAgentSupport.Messenger
Find a message in this Messenger's input queue that satisfies the predicate p.
findPath(int, int, int, int) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph
findPath(Navigatable<NodeId>, NodeId, NodeId) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.AStar
findPath(Navigatable<NodeId>, NodeId, NodeId) - Method in interface eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.Pathfinder
Finds a path in a navigatable environment.
findPath(Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph.Tile, Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph.Tile) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph
findPath(Vec3, Vec3, float) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.SurfaceNavGraph
The same as the other findPath.
findPath(Integer, Integer) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.SurfaceNavGraph
Return a path from the given start-vertex to the goal-vertex.
findPath(Pair<Integer, NodeId>, Pair<Integer, NodeId>) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.LayeredAreasNavigation
findPath(NodeId, NodeId) - Method in interface eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.Pathfinder2
Return a path between "from", to "to".
findShortest(Buchi, int) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.BuchiModelChecker
Similar to BuchiModelChecker.find(Buchi, int), but it will return the shortest execution (of the specified max-length) that satisfies the Buchi.
findShortest(LTL<IExplorableState>, int) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.BuchiModelChecker
Similar to BuchiModelChecker.find(LTL, int), but it will return the shortest execution (of the specified max-length) that satisfies the given LTL.
findShortest(Predicate<IExplorableState>, int) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.BasicModelChecker
Similar to BasicModelChecker.find(Predicate, int), but it will return the shortest execution (of the specified max-length) that ends in q.
FIRSTof(GoalStructure...) - Static method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.AplibEDSL
Create a FIRSTof type GoalStructure.
FIRSTof(Tactic...) - Static method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.AplibEDSL
To construct a FIRSTof Tactic.
FIRSTOF - Enum constant in enum nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.GoalStructure.GoalsCombinator
FIRSTOF - Enum constant in enum nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Tactic.TacticType
FiveGame - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.fiveGame
A simple game as an example for agents to play.
FiveGame(int, int) - Constructor for class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.fiveGame.FiveGame
Construct an instance of FiveGame of the specified size x size.
FiveGame_withAgent - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.fiveGame
In this demo we will show how to create an agent (an aplib-agent) to automatically play a Fivegame.
FiveGame_withAgent() - Constructor for class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.fiveGame.FiveGame_withAgent
FiveGame_withAgent.MyState - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.fiveGame
Defining the state-structure of our aplib-agent that will later play FiveGame.
FiveGame.GAMESTATUS - Enum in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.fiveGame
FiveGame.ProgrammedAgent - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.fiveGame
FiveGame.RandomPlayer - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.fiveGame
A simple random auto-player.
FiveGame.SQUARE - Enum in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.fiveGame
FiveGame.Square_ - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.fiveGame
FiveGameEnv - Class in nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.fiveGame
FiveGameEnv() - Constructor for class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.fiveGame.FiveGameEnv
free - Static variable in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.fiveGame.Strategies
frodo() - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.MiniDungeon
Frodo(int, int) - Constructor for class nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.Entity.Frodo
FRODO - Enum constant in enum nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.Entity.EntityType
FRODOWIN - Enum constant in enum nl.uu.cs.aplib.exampleUsages.miniDungeon.MiniDungeon.GameStatus
fromMeshFaceAverage(Mesh) - Static method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.SimpleNavGraph
Generates a SimpleNavGraph from a mesh where a vertex in the navigation graph corresponds to the average center of a face in the mesh.
frontierCandidates - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.pathfinding.Sparse2DTiledSurface_NavGraph
fst - Variable in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.utils.Pair
ftoSolve(Function<Proposal, Double>) - Method in class eu.iv4xr.framework.mainConcepts.TestGoal
Set the given function as a goal function.
ftoSolve(Function<Proposal, Double>) - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Goal
Set the given function as a goal function.
ftoSolve_(Function<Object, Double>) - Method in class nl.uu.cs.aplib.mainConcepts.Goal
Set the given function as a goal function.
fullyEvaluated - Variable in class eu.iv4xr.framework.extensions.ltl.LTL
When the true then this formula is considered to have been fully evaluated.
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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Deprecated API|Serialized Form